NSW Club Run to Orange - 28/29 March 2015
Photos courtesy of Gavin Rea
This photo and the two below taken at Pikey's in the Blue Mountains
Morning Tea with Warren McEwen nearest left and Darryl Dobe nearest right
At the motel in Orange
Terry Hicks car in the foreground
Warren McEwen's Doretti next in line
Inside the Olson's Doretti
Ross Wannell on the phone to his broker.
Cheryl Dobe at the wheel of the yellow TR3 (Australian assembled DTR car)
Darryl Dobe's TR3 (yellow) has had a mixed grill(e) for breakfast.
The Rea-mobile - later to shed it's spare wheel cover in protest at having not been driven enough lately.
Russell and Kerrie's TR
Allan Mitchell - "keep it together you lot!"
Run organiser John McCormack busted with forbidden fruit in the Garden of Orange.
"Buggered if I know where everyone else went..."
What's that blue car doing "nose out"?